I recently bought myself a Tonykart, making the switch from Honda Senior. It was a good move to make and im enjoying myself, my intention is racing club level, not S1.
I seem to have cracked the jetting and setup and starting to get to gris with the change in driving style, but my biggest problem has been rib pain. I dont feel confortable in the kart at all if im honest, and from what i learnt from Hondas were if you arent comfortable then you are going to struggle. The seat is what comes with the Tonykart, it fits me well, and i use a recently purchased (for rotax) a rib protector from kkc. I have been told if i change the seat to something with deeper sides it will kill the handling and how the kart works, is this ttue? I understand rotax is far more demanding but having done 4 tests and had alot of pain and discomfort whilst driving i just cant get comfortable. Also i find i am constantly sliding down the seat, ive moved the heal rest to resolve this but it hasnt worked :-/ Any ideas about changing seats or how to resolve any of the abovr?
cheers Adam