My last comment to 177racer was made tongue in cheek, I can understand why he has not posted in it for a while because once again it degenerated into a spat between the same two people as usual whenever this question crops up.
I still stand by my comment that you, Paul and the guy with a notebook could all come to the same jet setting eventually, but as you say, its the time it takes to get there and the risk involved if you get it too far wrong.
Your product gives a very good initial setting straight out of the box, then as you fine tune it, you get closer and closer to the very optimum setting for your carb and engine combination in all conditions. What are we paying for, we're paying for the development work which you have put in to design that software to give a very good initial setting and present it in an excellent easy to understand graphic. As you state, you can do a lot of damage to a Rotax with the wrong jetting.
Pauls method means you have to spend time developing your own software and then even more time testing it and evaluating the results it gives you. If you get it wrong, is it going to cost you an engine.
The notebook method is cheap but will take a long time, lot of money spent testing and could cost you more than just an engine. It is also time consuming looking back to see what worked best.
There are other tools out there which are all variations on this same theme but they all give a initial setting, but to get it just right you need to test and learn to interpret what results you get and record them in a notebook.
I personally use your software, its easy to use and by updating the settings you continually fine tune it to the engine/carb combination. You can almost throw away the notebook and if you update to the Pro, you can throw away the notebook, I think.
Cue PaulM!!!