",WE want the O plate up here in the North it was promised to Wigan "
Firstly the '0' plate was not promised to Wigan. No round could be confirmed at any track until it has been approved by the MSA Championship committee in January. Wigan may have been told that it was highly likely that the round would be there, which in most cases means it would.
The secondary problem is that the various clubs in the NKRA can, and do, insist on reciprocity, the idea that there's a probability that encouraging their drivers to go to other clubs for events will see a number of drivers from other clubs visit them for events in their turn. Over the last few years it has become apparent that Northern drivers do not visit these events, neither in the 0 plate nor in the Grand Finals.
Of the eighty odd drivers in six classes who took part in the Grand Finals in 2011, three came from the north.
When the entries were published, clubs raised objections on the grounds of reciprocity, asking why they should encourage drivers, whose budgets might be limited, to go to Wigan for the 0 plate rather than spending them on their own club championships.
So this isn't a case of Ron throwing his toys out of the pram, it's something that simply wouldn't have occurred if drivers in the north had entered the out of area events.
You cannot fault MBKC for the way that they have tried to get more drivers involved at the club, but it would have been nice, for example, if the northern drivers had shown the same support for the Grand Finals as other drivers did for Wigan's Lunar Cup.