If you're not racing, it would be hard to recommend anything other than Rotax. Powerful, long gaps between services, seem very reliable, if you don't want a sealed one that's right on the pace they seem to turn up for sensible money.
I've gone the TKM route for racing. Have had a few reliability issues especially with connectors on the wiring loom. They're OK if you keep them really clean, but they're not really up to the job. Also had an ignition rotor explode a few weeks back, which took out the stator as well, so an expensive repair. I'll be testing with direct drive soon, as I've got a feeling they're not as quick as the direct drive motors either. I like the convenience, but tough to recommend.
Formula Blue engines seem more reliable, especially in terms of starting, but with these and the TKM engine you'll get really frustrated even as a hobby karter when the Rotax engined karts drive round you in a straight line.