Generally speaking the optimum engine has liner power throughtout the rev range. However in reality this is hard to achieve on a two stroke engine. Many of the engines pre 09 were either (bottom to middle power) engines or (middle to top power) engines. If you send your engine to a builder he will give you the best comprimise for your port timming, squish and head volume to give you a near linear power curve.
With you changing the parameters you mentioned you will change your engine (set to optimum by ogden) to a (bottom to middle power) engine or (middle to top power) engine.
But the new 2010/2011 engines have good liner power throughout and the tolerance of the head volume and squish are closer to optimum than many of the pre 2010 super one mega expensive engines. So no matter how hard you try on your engine, if the parameters are not correct, your engine in short will always be slow/ slower.