You keep misunderstanding what I am saying, too..... but.....
You also don't seem to realise that I ALSO did those tracks (and more!) on a 125cc Gboxback in the 1980s so it's not exactly a surprise where you are racing. Been therem ripped the T-Shirt.... etc.
However, The GBoxes and Aixros are (currently) for different markets: no one has disagreed with that point. Currently, the 125cc Gbox is for the highly committed RACERS, like yourself. The Aixro is for the 'gentleman racer' who has less time than money.
Both offer GREAT racing for their own 'kind' of drivers.
However, all we were saying is that we were surprised (initially) that the Aixro could even STAY with the 125Gbox.... let alone EAT it on shorter tracks..... it was NOT a comment to say X is better than Y.... ever!
A Precis would be:
Aixro and 125Gbox are BRILLIANT and for different types of drivers and racing. Surprisingly, the Axro can beat the 125 Gbox on shorter tracks!