Most cases aren't as simple as the one above. Even given a case like that above, it still isn't clear cut. There is absolutely no way one kart can push 6 or seven karts that are all braking. I guarantee those karts in the middle of the "loading" kept it nailed also as it's the only way to have a chance of staying on (if you lift or brake you will definitely be in the grass).
The problem with just punishing the offenders is that, generally, the starts are the hardest place to spot them. As ScoobyScene says, it also takes a lot of time. I would guarantee that my solution would work within 1 meeting.
I can understand you saying we shouldn't penalise the innocent but, in my example, we're not. The innocent are the ones in the field with their race ruined. You can't ever get that back, no matter how much you punish the guilty. The only solution is to take away the benefit of doing it such that the innocent aren't in the field in the first place. My solution does that and, with the advantage of loading gone, the practise will very quickly disappear.
The starts should also be flat out from the last corner as this would spread the field to more normal racing conditions, as opposed to the bunched up mess we have now.