Trust the maths!
If the ratios come out at 'near the same' then the performancve will be 'near the same'.
If you are comforatble with the ideas embodied in ratios, why not do the maths in a spread sheet (like Excel)?
Create a column for the drive sprocket (front), create a colum for the driven sprocket (rear), enter all the droven prockets you own (or want to own) ando do that for all the drive sprockets you own. E.g.:-
Drive Driven ratio
12 80 12 81 12 83 11 80 11 81 11 83 etc....
Then use Excel to calculated the ratios.
Then, highlight ALL the (3) columns and ALL the rows you have filled in and use the 'sort' option (in 'Data') and tell it to Sort on the THIRD column (the Ratio column). That will place your sprocket selection in the order or increasing (or decreasing) ratio.
Now print that out, laminate it (if you have one) and keep that in your tool box for reference into the future.
You will then be able to see how to make smaller or larger changes in ratio in a smooth range and thus be able to see if changing the sprockets is worthwhile. For example 11:77 is the IDENTICAL as 10:70. You'll be able to see that and thus won't waste time changing from one to the other.