think Simon is wrong about the 'power'. You'll feel a HUGE difference between any of those and a TKM BT82.
I prefer 'air cooled' as they contain the epitome of karting..... fast and SIMPLE!
You CAN make them last ages if you drop the revs. A 'rule of thumb' is that the 'life' of a motor DOUBLES each time you drop 1000 rpm of maximum. So.... if 18,000 needs rebuilding every 4 hours, 17,000 lasts 8 hours, 16000 lasts 16 hours.... etc.. You will notice the reduction in acceleration though. TGhe BRUTAL power of all the revs is just something else! It's not JUST the power was good at the top end but you could, effectively, run Rye House/TKM gearing at Kimbolton. You'll get all the PUNCH of Rye House gearing with the soaring top-speed of Kim. Running your 100 at Rye House..... with Rye House gearing is something else again!