The answer is that getting started in all the classes is approximately the same. You can spend a lot more on your chassis, but you can get a new kart with engine in the other classes for similar money.
Easykart would be a lot more expensive than doing the NKRA for example, simply because of the distances you'd have to travel (Teeside instead of Forest Edge for example)
Formula Blue and Easykart engine regimes are very similar (Iame built, no 'tuning', parts from single source)
Effective motor speeds will be no different, what you might gain on the cc, you will lose on the tyres/ handling.
The real variables are whether you are going to do the maintenance, how often you replace the tyres and how much practice you are going to do, because no-one runs Easykart races except Easykart.
And really, the advantage from spending silly money on karting is not the fact that you get an engine that might be a hundredth quicker round teh lap, but the fact that you race every weekend, you have someone who gets the kart to the grid, you may practice mid-week and someone spends the time to datalog and analyze each lap that you do, points out your mistakes and makes sure they are corrected.
Then, and only then, can you make use of that hundredth.