Ellough park are trying something different for this years non msa meetings. Basically they will test from 10am to 12 noon and start the racing straight after. Cost is £35 to race or £45 to test and race. Saturday only being involved, with the same number of race(s)& distances etc as last year. Basically i think the club are trying to earn a few more pounds in addition to offering the best of both worlds maybe....? and i cant say i blame them as it must be tough running any business these days. However it does mean that during the first 2 months the event will finish under flood lights which some drivers have had a gripe about. March's meeting doesnt count as thats an evening/night race anyway! After that then the nights should be pulling out enough to finish in daylight. Will have to wait and see if it works but i get to have a lay in if i dont wish to test but still go racing! No one solution will keep everybody happy so this maybe good, or may not...time will tell.