The bumper is often designed to be 'flexibly mounted', hence the rubber. Early karts just used the rubber but later ones often fited some form of additiona; 'keeper' bolts or suchlike to stop the bumper falling off if it was loose.
As Alfie said, the 'nuts' may be turning. Remove the WHOLE thing by LOOSENING (not REMOVING) the bolts and tap the bumper backward with a rubber hammer. This should drag the rubber, washers and 'captive nut' out, cleanly. The look at, and clean and oil, the bolt and nut assembly and try again.
This caprive nut and bolt system is effective. The bolt com [presses the rubbers until they are foced OUTWARD onto the tube. The rubber/tube friction holds the bumper in place.
Some people will tell you that the degree to which that 'rubber' is clamped will affect the hadling (for the better or worse) to change the handling. I used to believe that, too..... until I thought about it!