IS it the carb flange that is cracked?
I've never seen one crack, it's not the rad bracket that's cracked, is it?
And isn't it THE most rediculous thing to have the water cap and reed block sealed as well!
I like adjusting the reed block and I like to examine the bore and piston and I HATE the t****r who thought it was a good idea to put a seal on those bits, CRETIN, imbecile, moron, sorry Ian nicked your words but it's a stupidity extremis.
I still say the seal should be removed from the engine.
In fact, although I didn't like the idea of the Deavin class, if it's got no seal, then I might decide to support and even promote the bloody thing, not with Vegas though, just as a protest against the seal.
I wouldn't be in the situation I am now with a Max that won't go and the inability to find out why it won't go because it's got the seal on it and I can't get in there!!!!!!!!!!!!! Piece of ****, like Windows.