After carry on talking to try and make sense what these people where saying, it finally clicked that the reason they came over to me was to say that they didn’t want me thinking it was their son who had been responsible for taking mine off and that someone else had hit my son. YEAH RIGHT!
Well I have subsequently found out that these people are in Cahoots with the WAILING BANSHEE parents so I invite people to let me know what they think was going on here.
Is it these parents have been taken in by the lies and mistruths they have heard and just wanted to make sure I wasn’t angry at their boy or was this just psychological warfare being played on someone they desperately want to beat?
Believe me I could go on and on.
For example I could elaborate on the story of the father who came up to my face and threatened to take my non karting 16 year old son off track and beat the pulp out of him. Apparently my 16 year old had heard this guy bad mouthing his little brother so he did what all 16 years would do – he stuck up for his little brother. I did complain to the MSA stewards about this and what was my reward? Despite presenting a witness who told the tribunal they heard the threat being made … Both parties got a 12 month caution for misconduct!
Or I could tell you about the front running cadet driver who despite being significantly faster than us and could have passed cleanly preferred to ram us mid corner putting the crank of our best engine out of line. ANOTHER WEEKEND RUINED, ANOTHER THREAT DISPOSED OFF.
So to all the idiots who don’t talk to me any more or think I’m a SH*T because I have the audacity to turn up at a kart track with my little boy I have only one thing to say - AM I BOTHERED.
I do not know how long we will continue with this karting thing but it will not be at the expense of our HUMANITY. And to the other good people involved in karting I simply say this – DON’T LET THE B******* GRIND YOU DOWN!
Welcome to the AGGRESSIVE, NASTY, UNBELIEVABLE world of cadet kart racing.