Our's cracked at the weld at the bottom of the engine side seat mount. It had cracked on the weld and round the actual chassis tubing. Not sure whether the weld cracked first or the chassis tubing but the chap we bought the kart from told us it was not repairable and another dealer/agent confirmed this. We run in Formula Blue and a TKM engine has never been on the kart.
We have tried to pursue this for quite a while now.It appears that John Hoyle was in Italy visiting Intrepid - dont know if he is still there. In any case, it is virtually impossible to talk to him. He very rarely responds to emails,texts or calls and we have tried all methods of contact a number of times. Any responses so far have not been very helpful. Someone else on this thread has mentioned the karts not being fit for purpose under the sale of goods act and we thought John Hoyle was responsible, so took the problems up with him. He wanted to see the kart stripped bare and asked for it to be delivered to JKH. We did this and given that he asked for the kart to be delivered to him,he appeared to be dealing with it...now almost 2 months later,he is now saying that he is not responsible ie we have no contract with him and we have to take it up with his "agent",the person we actually paid for the kart. Why he didn't tell us this from the start we really dont know and as he is the importer makes it all the more bemusing. Bear this in mind if you guys are thinking of taking this any further - contact your "agent" first,may save you a bit of time.
We really dont feel that any new product should have to have parts replaced before it is useable ie fit for purpose. We had a number of parts that had to be replaced and bits falling off or breaking the first time the kart went out on the track. It really would be interesting to know exactly how many Storms have actually been sold and have cracked sooner than expected or have had faulty components when new. Also been mentioned by quite a few people has been the quality of the welding. Our's wasn't good - a couple of the welds were quite "messy" if you know what I mean with one of the welds having what appears to be a couple of broken bits of welding rod in it. Found that one when I ran my hand under the kart and caught it on a bit of the rod that was sitting proud of the weld. This may be a budget price kart but the cost of replacing components and possibly having to reframe surely negates the "budget" kart tag - it has for us.