I have enjoyed it to but.... when we get to :-
"This isn't anything like a first order system. The deformation of the tyre (the whole tyre, not just the wall but the contact patch etc) has a direct affect on the level of retardation achieved. "
.... as a suggestion that the contact patch can TELL that it's sliding forward at 20kph under a car that's 120kph as opposed to 150kph..... makes me wonder......
Without the need for formulae.... I can tell you that the 'deformation', in this case (and these speeds above 20kph) IS based SOLELY on the effectiveness of the retardation. You have been arguing that the effectiveness of the retardation is dependent on the 'slip' being around 20% (for this discussion) of the car's speed.
The deformation is a demonstration of the ANSWER of the equation "retardation+weight/stffness=deformation"....and thus you CANNOT bring the deformation back INTO the equation, recursively, as a way that the tyre can 'TELL' that it's being slowed from 150kph as opposed to 120kph! That's plain SILLY!
If you can show me how the tyre can CREATE the 'gold standard' retardation without, previously, KNOWING that it's at the 'gold standard' braking rate..... then we can progress....
However, while your quoted statement sheds no light whatsoever on the matter, concise though it is, I will continue to doubt your answer as being the 'gold standard' one in this case.
Brevity is glorious but not when it leaves MASSES of ambiguity. Expand and explain your statement and I might understand how it answers my question.... without being recursive!