Traxter you've said:
"Come on then explain how it effects the handling of your kart?"
1. Whats the point because you're bound to label it phsycobabble and try and tell me why I'm wrong and explain some theory behind why its wrong. Who cares what you think and why you think it? its all theory and your opinion. If they want an answer, for them they need to go out and test it.
That would tell me straight away that you can`t explain what he has asked you, otherwise you would give an answer. Not much use hiding behind this `what`s the point` nonsense.
I partially agree that doing plenty of testing, trying out various things, seeing what works for you, etc, etc, IS a good thing to do.......
But equally, ignoring advice from the likes of Itpro, Traxtar, QOT, and a few others is stupid.
Try what they recommend FIRST. If you find it doesn`t seem to work for you, fine, try other things, but don`t dismiss it, why waste your own time when you could solve the problem in minutes?
Or do you think they are chucking you bum steers?
The old saying "You can lead a horse to water" was never more apt.