We run a Comer on a blade chassis and this one is down to experience.
What you will find is that when you are tightening it up is that the forward fix tends to reduce the free play and the rear adds free play a little...it's a pain.
What I tend to do is try to set it a with a free play around 30mm (15mm either side of centre). Then when it's done up it normally tightens to around +/-10mm, which is what I am after. If it stays too loose, undo and turn the engine stay bolt a quarter of a turn and tighten again. I use a torque wrench at 30Nm as it takes out one variable.
With your issue in your last race it is possible that your chain was tightened at a loose spot. (ie the chain is worn)
Alway spin the wheel after setting. If the chain is worn you will clearly hear it. Based on finances, chuck the chain or set the tension around the tight spot. The latter runs the risk of loosing a chain on track from a kerb or a tap from behind....but that of course never happens in cadets. lol.
ps. We use a torque wrench because my son want's to help and that way I know he has done things up correctly (I just listen for the click)