worth it? the most important thing is driver comfort and getting things in the right place, I can use the same seat in a kart and move it 5mm and that will change the lap time buy 5 tenths, The first thing is the driver is fitted right to the seat and comfy, We have used both, and infact putting the effort into seat fitting means the differance is minimal, its the set up that makes the differance. It has taken me in the past 5 hrs to fit a seat, with testing to get it right, and when the driver gets constant laps and goes quicker than before he is confident, This will then lead to good results. Personal veiw Bum in seat time with someone that knows how to set up a kart will gain you more than a 350quid seat or a blue print engine, But these can make the final tenth when you are on the pace.
I think you will listen to who you think is right or like, But to be honest I like Steve Tillets blunt veiw because it does not cloud the judgement.