First thing to remember is that my son is one of the older cadets at 13. Because of this he is able to understand and feel the difference in set ups that I throw at him. (sometimes not so good from me)
The first time out was in the wet at Kimbolton where I saw him going around the outside of others in the wet! I'd never seen that before so I knew he was feeling good with the Iztech floor and seat on board.
It's always difficult to put lap times against a major change, but what I can say is that we were always 0.3~0.4 off the front boys and seem to be able to do nothing about it (for about a year). Once the seat and floor were fitted within a couple of meetings we are at the front, and have never looked back.
Sounds like I have shares in the company but I don't. The set up just suited us. It might not suit all, particlarly the young ones. They might not be able to handle the flexibility.
One last point. I have never fitted seat stays since going Iztech.