guys we just need an exact definition from some one at the msa of what we can do , we all race at diffrent tracks with diffrent scrutes who all have there own ways of reading the rule so it does not help if he said this and he said that. the msa should make a statement and soon, this is going to turn into another clutch phiasco. plain English.. 1. can i run chassis protectors that are bolted to my kart that are made of one piece of steel and have no welds
2.can i run chassis protectors bolted to my floor tray of the same type as in point 1
3. can i run a brack disk protector on the engine side.
4. can i run the doughnut type chassie protectors .
MSA SOME CLARIFACATION PLEASE!!!!! does anyone from the msa read this forum or are we just shouting in the wind?