If you look back over the forum you will see that the TKM drivers kicked up a fuss about the increased costs for the TV coverage and the S1 organisers decided that they would not be forced to have cameras. The TV coverage went ahead after TKm/TalKo put some money in. MSA and Rotax have to have cameras. First round of Rotax the cameras were not available but no idea if they were there for last weekend. The rules seem to state that it is your responsibility to have a camera, in full working order, on your kart for the races and failure to do so could result in a penalty. The ionly people who can really answer your question are the S1 organisers so your best bet would be to send the question to John Hoyle. There have been a couple of posts suggesting that any penalty would not stand up to an appeal taken right up to the MSA but would you want to be the person who takes that chance and funds the appeal?