You shouldn't run into problems now with any of the recommended oils.
It's also worth reading the performance criteria on the can. Some can be used down to 2% (20ml per litre)
I dye the oil (a couple of drops maybe 0.5 cc, and two colours, one for running in oil and one for 'normal') when I open a new bottle. Other people prefer to mark the can (eg: cable tie on the handle when mixed) or rely on whether it foams when shaken. The dye makes no discernable difference to the performance but you know instantly whether the fuel has oil in it or not and if you dye the oil, you cannot forget to mark the can.
You only need to go out once with raw petrol instead of mixed to learn it isn't a good idea. A five year supply of dye costs a lot less than the tie wraps!
But then I regularly run in a pit where there are many drivers all potentially sharing fuel.