Remember, I'm talking about when the kart is steered. It's much easier to look at than explain, but I'll try. For the sake of simplicity we'll say KPI is the same as caster.
At 0deg caster, the wheel is steered on an arc parallel with the ground. As the kart is steered the outside wheel increases wheelbase and the inside wheel decreases wheelbase. Camber does not change. The steered angle of the wheels follows the steered angle of the steering wheel.
At 90deg caster, the wheel is steered on an arc perpendicular to the ground. As the kart is steered, wheelbaase remains the same. The outside wheel goes to more negative camber and the inside wheel goes to more positive camber. The steered angle of the wheels stays at 0.
Those are the two extremes. From that, you should be able to visualise what's happening at lower caster angles.