Personally I think there is no performance gain or loss in a 50 mm axle. I am not satisfied with any theorys out there and do not feel anyone has tested them properly. There is much paddock bull flying around you can usually smell it as you approach the Kart circuit, it is usually started by Kart manufacturers to steer people into their karts. My son drives a tonykart viper 2009 which so far has been competitive against 50mm axles and CIK equipment. If a 50 axle is good for Kart release why are they being used in the wet and cold conditions succesfully when traction is required ? Why are they going to be better in the hot months when they are working now? To wade through the paddock bull we have bought a Tony EVXX to test back to back with our viper on most race weekends and find out for ourselves so we can be sure and not be influenced by BS. Regarding the Tag in the Pf junior final it performed very equally to the direct drive, I think the lad Stephen drove very well and engine performance was equal but not instrumental which is good for the class. The cik / 50 axle seems to be quite similar on pace to the tkm style Karts, watch this space we will find out if there is a change as conditions improve.