Do a search for tatershall on this site to find out more details from people who have raced there.
Tyre pressures ---these are going to vary from day to day (Do a search here on tyre pressures to find out how to work out what it should be on any day) The tyres seem to work well at between 10 to 14 psi on 'normal' days, you are looking for between 14 to 16 psi and about 120 to 140F once warmed. (3 laps to 5 laps)
Gearing: whatever gives you the maximum time per lap in the power band 12-14000 revs. This often means a max of 16 to 16,500 on the average straight.
Carbs: Slow 1.3 turns, main 1.5 turns, adjust to suit your carb.
Engine. You can get up to 20 hours between services, but I wouldn't try it without experience. Top end seems to be around 500 laps racing, bottom about 2000 laps racing. Or use a reliable engineer.
Fuel Mixture. I use R40 at 20 to 1 (5%, 250 ml of oil to 5 litres of fuel) for running in, and run 3 litres of that, then 747 at 4% for normal running. Some people use different oils and mixes quite successfully
Coolant. Enough to fill the radiator. Turn the engine over, by hand a few times to make sure the engine is filled too.
Temperature 65C to 70C