There's been good advice so far on Formula Blue.
Like Rotax and TKM the manufacturers calim that you can get 20 hours between services, but many people feel that running the negine at the ragged edge for that length of time runs the risk of things breaking. The easy answer is to inspect the engine at interim periods, which one can do as teh engines are not sealed.
There have been two complaints about the engines, the starter and the powerbox. As far as I know there is no differnce between the Rotax, Formula Blue and Aprilia RS125 motorbike starter, and you can buy the 'generic' on E-bay. However it isn't legal in Rotax without the Rotax stamp,nor in Blue without the Blue Stamp. Whether it performs worse in Blue than in Rotax must be debatable.
The powerbox was replaced with the new digital system, which is advertised as being better. It is certainly better protected from the wet if it's under the nassau panel than the old one out beside the driver. Unfortunately the new digital system has a new ignition backplate as well, so the change could be expensive on an older engine, and I am told the old ignitions are only made to order now, so have become very expensive. That said, I had several years without trouble, then two went in a month.
Some people have reported that the engines were fragile, that they blew up a lot. It seems odd that engines blew up mainly for the same people or from the same tuner. I know of one 'blown' engine that was found to have had the compression increased by fitting a specially thinned bottom gasket. I blew a couple of engines by not refilling the radiator when I changed engines, again not the engine's fault or when the water pump bands snapped. My engineer asked me what I thought the temperature guage was for.
Grids are a bit changeable, depending on how keen and enthusiastic the local grid is. After a year with no Junior Blue's in the south, there's now a small grid at Forest and Clay. In Scotland the NKRA are now racing at more tracks instead of just Larkhall. In the North there used to be a big grid at Wigan, which seems to have shifted to Hooton and GyG.
And there's a lot of people using Blue engines in non-MSA racing.