This whole subject p!**es me off.
The thickness of the internal clutch block is approx 1 cm
The width of the drum is approx 1.5 - 2 cm.
is the running surface not the 1 cm strip on both items where the two surfaces are in contact. therefore could it not be argued that grease anywhere else is acceptable.
The question then would be how much grease do you put on the drum for 5 10 15 lap races so that it has all worn off the running surface before you get into scrutineering at the end of the race.
To my mind, the only ray of hope for the club racer is if they bring in the block test, but no doubt some smart ass will argue that that is illegal or ask how they measure the engine revs, is it calibrated approved etc.
The other question now is whether TKM have all this cr*p to come with their TAG engine.