Firstly that system will require silicone Dot 5 fluid, do not use any other type as this will attack the seals. The kelgate can be bled using the same method as you would on a road car. It is a good idea to ensure that the master cly piston is returning fully as in some cases the pedal rod has been ajusted and thus does not allow the lever to fully release the piston. When you are sure this is correct fil the reservoir with fresh fluid then fit a ring spanner to the furthest bleed nipple followed by a length of tube and place the other end in a small coke type bottle or jar. Open the bleed nipple and begin with a steady full pump of the pedal. when the pedal is at full travel nip closed the bleed nipple then release the pedal and allow it to return fully. Kepp repeating this process until clean fluid with no bubbles are seen in the tube (keep the end of the tube submerged in the pumped fluid while bleeding) Take care not to let the resevoir fluid level to drop too low whilst bleeding otherwise you will have to start again. Once the flid leaving the brake caliper is consistantly clean and bubble free nip the bleed nipple closed at about the mid point of the final pedal stroke. Tighten the bleed nipple and repete the process on the second bleed nipple. You should now have a firm pedal which does not sink when held under pressure or feel at all spongy. If the pedal feeels spongy there is still air present in the system. If however, the pedal slowly sinks when held under pressure yo will need to replace the seals in either the master clynder or the caliper, maybe even both. If all is well fill the reservoir to just over 3/4 full and clean and refit cap. job done! An OTK self ajusting system requires a very diferent method so if you ever encounter one of these do not try the method for the Kelgate as you will encounter brake problems!