RTFM. The instructions from Tal-ko state that you might have to modify (cut) the battery cover to fit various karts. On the Tony Viper you need to cut a 2 cm wide strip at an angle to miss the forward seat mounting stay. It then fits well and does not move about.
Biggest problem with mounting the TAG was the chain guard. The TAG sprocket is some 2.5 cms. further out than the DD, but probably the same as the clutched DD. This difference can not be accomodated by a Tillet guard. However the TAG engine mount spacing (different to the DD) is the same as the Comer left hand drive (and TM reed valves).So if you have old engine mounts from 2003 Comer LHD you are laughing. Brings the sprocket back nearly to the same as the DD.
Not many people know that!
PS. Be carefull lubing the chain with Silkolene chain grease or similar. This appears to easily gets on the clutch shoes and slips like the devil for 2 to 3 laps. I have switched to chain wax. Not as good as chain grease but no slip problem. Drives just like a DD. Opinion on performance still to be decided. The KF ingnition system drags mightily.