The recent MSA statement ( detailed in full on MSA website or other forum post) states:
"Clearly, unless there is evidence that a component as supplied by a manufacturer is causing a danger, the MSA has no reason to request that the manufacturer changes that component."
Referring to the MSA website their is a section relating to insurance and risk management. Below are extracts from this section which clearly states the MSA cannot discount this as a severe risk based only on a lack of factual evidence.
Quoting from the risk management section the below infers the MSA should implement a Risk management plan and the risk should be measured taking into account "Rate of occurrence ( many) and impact ( serious injury or worse)= RISK
"Once risks have been identified, they must then be put through a process of assessment based on the severity of the possible loss and probability of the loss occurring. In many cases this can be relatively simple based on factual data."
Where the factual data is not available a Risk Management Plan, compiled in conjunction with expert advice from specialists can assist in the calculation.
Rate of Occurrence x Impact = Risk
Please follow the link
Are there any risk management experts out there ????. Should this issue be highlighted to to the MSA insurance and Risk management partner Jardine Lloyd Thompson Limited ??