Sorry if I've not followed the details but if the driver was left to watch the rest of the meeting then how come he drove in the final and was able to commit a similar offence?
The problems get multiplied tenfold in the wet and some drivers use it as an excuse saying 'they braked late' or the conditions got the better of them.
If you stay in the sport then this won't make you feel any better but as you move from Cadet up through the ranks you will experience similar incidents - deliberate, reckless, accidents whatever!
If eventually a driver clocks up enough points then they get banned but having said that, you're absolutely right that it doesn't change the result for you and I know of several drivers who managed to keep their licence despite totting up 12 points. There was even one lad not so long ago who appealed and won against his ban because he said he was the victim of taunts at school and would lose valuable sponsorship and opporunities. I KNOW what you're thinking and I felt the same when I read it straight from the MSA's own mouth.
We left the sport in March and while I miss watching my lad drive, I'm please we did for lots of different reasons.
Good luck.