Hi. Mike it's nice to see that someone agrees with my belief that the Mojo would be the better route in the long term, yes some people will have unused or good useable Vegas left at the end of the season but there has to be a 6 month changeover period so at least they acn be used until March 2010 and from what I understand the Mojo D2 intended for Snr max will be slightly slower (if you have good one's)! than the Vega anyway so the prefered tyre would be the Vega offering time to use stocks. I have just aquired some Mojo D2's from last weeks Euro Max round to test here this weekend so maybe I can report here next week with some good news. As to the concerne about the Mojo cost Jean at JAG said that they were trying to establish a lower price to bring them closer to the Vega cost should the decision be made to change but given the alleged better consistency you will remove the added cost imposed by getting a duff set of Vegas. 1 or 2 duff sets of Vegas a season will probably cost more than the diferance in price especially when you don't know they are duff until you do your first serious lap and then you are stuck with them and thus ruin an entire meeting or even championship in the worst cases.