Put what you like on the clutch so long as it passes the 3000 rpm bite point test... what's the problem with that ? If you grease the roller bearing normally, with the recommended Lithium based grease, you'll be fine... there's nothing to worry about.
As I said already, if you feel the need to operate outside the spirit of the rules [note not just the letter of the law] in this sport, you've got to be a pretty sad individual. There are easier and cheaper ways to get a trophy you know... just pop along to a trophy shop and buy one !
I really wish we would stop talking about this subject as its deterrent to people considering taking up the sport - many of whom check out this forum. Bottom line is this.
o Most drivers race at club level.
o Most know each other.
o Most know each other's relative strengths and weaknesses... and know roughly what position they'll be racing for.
o Most want to race fairly, and win or loose fairly.
o A minute number are deviant and will use karting as a place to play games and act unfairly. That's the same with any sport and if you know who they are, mentally discount them from the results if they don't get excluded anyways.
So to summarize. The class is not 'on a self destruct'. We do not need electronic policeman on our karts. 'Grease on clutches' is not a major issue.