if you remember rightly, there was a tyro class formed that never took off at all which addressed your idea. what your suggesting davy is not talkos problem or issue but more the msa's decision so pretty much your suggestion is a do nothing approach too but hey, if they allow non-licence holders to race then fine, but let them race with rotax, kf and gearbox and see how those class members like the idea. It wouldnt go down well there and it certainly wont here!
As for chassis' I was looking at doing one for next year myself under a homologation from talko but when I approached them it was not possible to design and test as no rules had been confirmed or decided. I know of another team at S1 that were prepared and may well still be to homologate next year, adding to gems list previously with one other party that was also showing interest. Sadly I won't be now doing one, my situation has changed and I cant possibly develop in the few remaining months, other teams with larger budgets may well still be able to and I hope talko confirm some rules for homologation soon, assuming its kept in as time is ticking away.