From the posts here, it seems that the drivers involved in TKM would prefer that nothing be done. On suggesting that option to Tal-ko, what has been their response ? Why are they suggesting yet more changes to the class ? Why are they risking your racing and the value of your kit secondhand ? It would appear they don't have your interests at heart ?
It doesn't take a genius to work out the reasons why. Its because the class is declining in its current form and the very survival of their business and livelihoods hangs in the balance. I would guess that the main reason for allowing CIK chassis to participate from 2010 onwards is because few [or maybe no] chassis manufacturer has plans to develop a TKM /2 chassis for the next homologation round.
TKM /2 is in trouble nationally. Your local club championship may have decent grids... but Tal-ko are not in business to support a handful of club championships. Unless the class can survive nationally, it will die. If the class does die, it will be a great shame for everyone in karting, not just the TKM incumbents... however it will be the TKM incumbents that suffer most through an instant devaluation of their equipment and an enforced edict to change or pack it in.