Simon, First of all I hope there is nothing serious with Ron as I am sorry to here he went to hospital. Regarding your message if that is the case I do not think the MSA have been reasonable with their approach at all, as they have not approached anyone. This is a driving standards issue nothing else. They need to sort out the real problem not change the regualtions because they cannot recorgnise the problem from the facts in front of them. You could slow the class down by 3 seconds a lap and the problem will still exist. The MSA need to liaise with the officials at Larkhall where the driving standards are causing these issues and resolve it there, not undo all the hard work done by Ron Shone to whos got the class racing on a level playing field. Why should the junior blue drivers who race at the other circuits pay the penalty when they do not have a problem. There are allot of very dispondent Junior Blue drivers following this news who may well ditch the class.THE MSA NEED TO BE SENSIBLE AND DEAL WITH THE REAL ISSUE HERE NOT RUIN THE CLASS.