John - I don't know what you have against easykart but you were quite selective in your choice of quotes from that cost thread. Some spend more, some spend less - that's normal in any series.
£3-4k a season including travel is enough to run at the front of easykart - how do I know? I'm spending around that and I am currently top 5 in the championship.
Sure you can spend £5-7k but it probably won't make you any quicker - but that might well include some time in posh hotels!
Is TKM really a lot cheaper than Easykart? I don't know that it is. Can you run at the front of the super 1 TKM championship with a £3-4k budget? Sure you can do it cheaper just going to local TKM club meetings (assuming they have grids) because you won't have the travel costs but then you aren't comparing like with like. After all with easykart you get the variation of tracks, the oportunity to qualify for the world finals, nearly twice the track time of a normal club meeting and quicker karts.
I'm not trashing TKM either here - it's a good class (I used to race in it many years ago) and it will certainly better suit those who don't want to travel .. .but equally there are plenty of others for whom easykart may represent the best value for the kind of racing they want to do.