What "Planet" are the controllers (NKRA/Tabor/Planet karting /MSA people on now. Its just taken 2 years to get the juniors restrictors to a point where they are working for all weights,close racing,driver able to handle them. Rule changes can be made during the season on safety grounds,where has this problem come from suddenly overnight?. The MSA have not got the Zip nosecone issue sorted yet,now they come up with this one My understanding is the juniors can race as they are(although deemed too fast!!!!) for another 2 weeks,then do the NKRA finals at GYG at the end of the month,then they are going to slow them down by changing the restrictors again?????. Junior Blue are not as fast as a junior Rotax so where is the problem and where has all this come from,someone must have been on to the MSA. Also most drivers are almost through their club championships with 2/3 months to go,this is going to bal#s the championships up as well.
Thanks very much to whoever stirred this up,there has been no communication or consultation with the drivers over this,a half cocked decision ruining another sorted class..