i see all your points about it not being "fair" if a clubbie who finishes down the order gets more points that they have seem to have achieved. However, how is it fair if you are in a championship, at a critical point, and a load of non-members turn up and you end up way down the field as they're just a bit better than you. In championship terms, you do deserve to be second (for example), as you came second of all the people in the championship.
One other thing, having points all the way down the field actually rewards consistency, if you only have points down to 10th place, then if you get 11th all year, you will be beaten by the guy who spins out every race but manages 10th once.
In that vein, what are the different clubs rules on DNFs? Do they just get the points basis where they come on the sheet? My thoughts would be that you should get proportion basis the number of laps you completed... i know this would leave some very silly decimal of points, but it would penalise a DNF correctly basis their consistency. What do other people think?