I understand where you are coming from.
I think reason karting gives points down the line so far is done to encourage people to turn up and race, they may only finish 10th, but they got some points.
I do understand your reasoning with the points being awarded as finished as oppose to moving people "up" the order.
I have used it my advantage both ways - finishing second and not trying to pass the leader knowing i will only gain a bigger trophy but not any more points.
I suppose the issue is, if you are racing for a championship and not a one off race you are not going to attack as hard as the person on the one off race. They can afford to defend harder and possibly loss it all, the championship runner can not afford to do anything 50/50, so they maybe faster but take the save result.
I don't think their is a solution that will suit all. Most circuits I have raced all use the "non-members" don't exist method when it comes to scores. I suppose it has just become the norm. :-D