Sad that the TKM entry has all but disappeared at Wigan, its been on the cards for a few years really, since the amazing of the 30+ entries of 2005ish. I even recall there was a regular Scottish contingent of between 8 to 10 in those days.
One of the arguments I often got as the entries started to decline, particuarly during the MBKC/GYG days, was that the whole day at 3s was far too intense, not like the more laid-back experience of GYG.........mind you, I certainly recall GYG having its `moments` from time to
Thing is though, with entries now standing at perhaps 80, that `intensity` shouldn`t really be an argument anymore and, then again, it isn`t only TKM that has rapidly declined.......Rotax too has tailed off dramatically, and, what is surely the best Gearbox track in the country, can`t attract even a half decent grid of 125`s.
What the answer is, I really don`t know, yet, Hooton seems to be thriving, so what is Hooton doing right?..........or Three Sisters doing wrong?