Will you take the time to write to the MSA with your views? This is why proposals are put out for consultation, to give time for feedback before the final decisions are made. You all get the MSA Motorsports Now magazine with the proposals, how many read it. No, it's generally left to a few to publicise the changes, put a newsletter into Karting Mag to try and get the proposals over to the drivers and hope again for some written feedback. There is a drivers association run by Mick Barrett, and the ABkC gives him a seat at the steering group meetings. We have always said we will give room for a drivers assoc rep, but not more than one please. Every one of you has the chance to feedback through the clubs, and vote for representatives at the ABkC AGM. How many bother? Perhaps we will get a better attendance at the AGM this year, at Kart Mania? Don't you think a lot goes on behind the scenes that cannot be broadcast here, eg Cadet bodywork concerns. For God's sake put your concerns in writing to me and the MSA, not just here