Messages regarding cheating, driver conduct, etc.. Posted by 'Martin (UK Karting)' on 13 Jul 2009 @ 18:30

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Dear all,
Please be aware that accusations and discussion regarding the conduct of other competitors/teams/companies/officials/etc etc are not acceptable on the Notice Board. The forum is intended as a place where the karting community can discuss the sport, share ideas, and to help one another with queries and problems. It is not intended as a place for people to accuse others of deliberate acts of cheating or to air their grievances.
Competitors can be excluded for many reasons, and exclusion simply proves they have committed a technical infringement of the rules - it DOES NOT prove wilful and deliberate cheating. Sadly there will always be a few that bend the rules to their advantage, but that does not mean that everyone that has been excluded, or suddenly found extra pace, are guilty of cheating. It is impossible to conduct a fair and proper analysis into each incident on this forum and it is unfair to adopt a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality, regardless of how clear cut it may appear to some. If 9 out of 10 allegations of cheating prove to be true then that is one team or individual that has had their reputation unfairly dragged through the mud and this cannot be allowed to happen.
Driver conduct or alleged cheating is an emotive subject and unfortunately is has been demonstrated on several occasions that some contributors simply cannot keep a discussion to known facts, or to discuss the subject without relating it to particular incidents or people. For this reason ALL discussion surrounding the conduct of individuals/teams/etc must stop. Alluding to a competitor without naming them does not make it acceptable.
Messages of this nature on the forum do not give a fair hearing to all parties, and opinion or hearsay is often presented as fact. There are official channels available to make such accusations and your first point of contact should be the officials at the meeting who can advise on available options. This is the only way that proper facts can be established and, if appropriate, punishment handed out. If you're convinced someone else is deliberately breaking the rules this is the only possibility for justice to be done. Where a case reaches the MSC National Court we always publish decisions relating to karting that we are advised of, keep an eye on for updates.
Posting messages to the Notice Board making statements or allegations regarding others as outlined above may result in your ability to the post to the forum being revoked, either temporarily or permanently, and possibly without warning. If you see a message that you believe breaks these rules then please do let us know by emailing - we're very grateful to the support of visitors in pointing out content that doesn't belong on the Notice Board.
We all have a desire to see cheating, as much as is practically possible, stamped out of karting. We need to be clear however that making accusations on the Notice Board will never achieve this and has the potential to do much more harm than good, to everyone involved.
Best regards,
Martin UK Karting