ended up with the rears fully out and 3.5 spacers out on the front.we had previously moved the seat back a bit as it was quite oversteery and he is a tall driver.the seat was set as per the manufacturers setting
started the saturday with his base setup which was about 30mm in on the rears and 0.5 spacer on the front
i knew the rears needed coming out but the driver complained of sliding on the rear.it seemed to me though that was caused by the rear digging in and sliding.it was also clear that the front needed taking out as the chassis wasnt jacking at all.the problem was that when we went out at the front the oversteer was visible.when we moved the rears all the way out though it was then possible to move out the fronts without oversteer and the chassis was a lot more balanced and easy to drive.
we tried pressures from 14-17 but arrived at 16 as a reasonable pressure for the day.it was hot all weekend and i did a lot of asking around to gather opinions on what others were doing with pressures
im pretty sure had the engine not seized we would have had a good pb on sunday
hope you dont mind me mentioning the setup wayne but whilst the setup we arrived at isnt anything special,the way we arrived at it may be of use to others