The lads have covered all the classics. You now have to decide if you wanted advice or just to bemoan the problems.
For me, it's a simple problem. It's down to how you approach the cure! The method is simple and comes under the usual rules:-
* Unless the answer is obvious, replace parts until the problem disappears/is cured. * Onelya madman replaces the MOST expensive item, first, in the list of 'changes'!
Thus, in your case, replace the damned valves, fit dust caps while driving. Then replace the valve 'housing', then the tyres and then the rims.
You also seem to have found one of the reasons I grew to HATE magnesium wheels. In MY day, I found they were ludicrously porous.
Finally, just because the wheels don't leak when they are 'static' doesn't mean they will continue to remain 'sound' while under load.
If you do want to go about it 'backward', why not remove the tyre and valve and fit those to another (NON magnesium) wheel. If it STILL deflates..... it wasn't the rim!