Dear All, I found out yesterday (thanks again Gavin) that the 2nd hand MiniMax kart I was sold last year is built on a senior frame ( a Kosmos, not Kosmic). being new I hadn't realised this and spend quite a time when we first got it modifying it to suit my son. As well as mounting the pedals on blocks off the floor tray I folded the ends of a 25 x 5mm steel bar and bolted it horizontally between the tops of the seat stays that are welded to the chassis. From this bar I welded two brackets projecting horizontally forwards and bolted them through the sides of the seat near the top. It holds the seat perfectly but, my boy is now looking to start racing and I'm concerned the scutineers wont like my modifications. I will try to post photos tomorrow but in the meantime i would be interested in your initial thoughts...