I listen to your arguments, Matt.... but I am not fooled by them! Simply, becasue I bother to UNDERSTAND THE FACTS expressed as statistics.
You listen to my point but won't accept it. either. Simply, becasue you LIKE bikes and you DON'T like the blatant conclusions which CAN be drwan from the FACTS.
The difference is that, if I am wrong, no harm is done, if YOU turn out to be wrong, you are DEAD!
We can ALL accept that we can simplify this to the concept that there are two types of accidents:-
Type 1) Those to which YOIU contribute (through stupidity) Type 2) Those to whioch you had NO contribution, e.g., some TW** pull out of a side junction in front of you.
Your 'skill' can do a lot to help you avoid 'Type 1' accidents. But... it does VERY little to help you avoid 'Type 2'.
Should someone perform a type 2 on me in my Subaru while alongside yourself on your (moped) Bike.... the chances are GREATER that it will be ME who walks away from the scene helping them pick up YOUR body part than the otherway round.
You HATE me pointing that you.... but you ARE about to become a father and that means that YOU have REDUCED your options which are acceptable (eventually) to yourself. If you become any sort of 'proper father'... you'll discover this quite soon.... and you won't mind TOO much becasue the BENIFITS are higher!
I spend a LOT of time now on the side lines at 'field hockey' (Damn it! it doesn't NEED the word 'field'... there IS only ONE R*E*A*L Hockey.... the others MAY need to 'qualify' their names; Hockey doesn't NEED to!). I used to play for my town, my wife, my son and daughter and their 'partners' ALL play for various town teams..... and I have attended the hopitals on MANY more occasions in a single YEAR for them than I have EVER done for my karting.... so.... I AGREE with you about Hockey! The 'new' rules DO make the game better and faster but VASTLY more dangerous than when I was playing!