I personaly think if you did make it legal you would open up a bigger can of worms. You would then have people testing differnt lubes, processes of keeping the clutch "wet" for longer etc. If JAG can find a proper control - the best way (cost wise) is to run a "dry" legal clutch - with a bit of greae on the roller bearing. Also - your doing something wrong or not maintaining your kart properly if your kart has failed the test and you have not intentionally cheated. Your either putting too much lube on or dont clean it every day like you should. If you made it legal - the people who think just a bit of WD40 on the drum will be the end of it are day dreaming. You have people out there which experiment with so many differnt things - there will be people chemically engineering their clutch shoes and almost price you out of the game.
We need proper control of drivers sticking to the rules - this new clutch is a good idea - as long as there is no advantage or dissadvantage - cant comment to how good this clutch is yet.
In S1 we did have to bring the karts up to the grid with the drums off and the scruiteneers cleaned the drum and hoes - this type of process (with obvious improvements needed) could be a suitable method.