Direct from I believe.
The software works by your input, hence it almost "programs itself" for your engine/carb/exhaust combo.
You start by inputting your atmospherics, see what jet it predicts you, go out, warm up the engine, pull the choke down the straight, if it bogs you down you know your rich if it speeds you up you know your lean, also check the plug when you come in to get an idea. Then you tell the software that jet was too rich for them conditions, the software remembers this. Next session input your details again, this time it will predict a revised jet, go out do the same again, repeat the process until you can't notice a difference on the choke. Then its into fine tuning, analysing any data you've / the plug exhaust colours to determine if it's rich or lean.
As you can see, even by the time you've got to fine tuning your getting almost the perfect jet every time and fine tuning can be done over time (i.e. if you notice one day that u do seem to have a little bog at places or whatever) you can fine tune the software to recommend better needle positions etc.
The theory behind the software is really very simple, yet extremely effective. The rate at which the software alters your jet is from the perfect air density to fuel ratio for combustion. This is theoretically correct, but again, it may be every so fractionally off, and once again this is customisable, so for example if your being predicted the right jet almost every time but as you get to extremely hot/cold conditions the jet seems to be slightly off, it's probably the rate at which the jet changes that is off, whilst this will most likely never happen, im just trying to express the flexibility of this software.
Most people will be able to do 1 or 2 saturday practices and only have to say whether the jet is rich or lean and end up with an almost perfect setup. It really just depends how pedantic you are. I may have made this sound complex, but really it isn't, if you watch John's videos on youtube you will see how easy it actually is, you don't need to be a mastermind!
John feel free to correct me, but I do believe I understand the fundamentals of your software.
Sorry if I just rambled...